Grievance Redressal

License status and conditions ( is part of Flameback Capital USA Inc.
Flameback Capital USA Inc is currently undergoing registration with the US SEC

Our Grievance Redressal Process

We are here to provide our existing and prospective clients with appropriate investment guidance, timely assistance and streamlined experience. We also commit to shepherding our client’s investment assets with utmost professionalism and take care.

However, you believe we have fallen short in our quality of service or in any other regard, we are committed to addressing and resolving the issue.

When we receive your complaint, we will:

  • Acknowledge your complaint within 1-2 working days.
  • Gather and evaluate information about your grievance and respond with a solution to resolve your issue.
  • For most cases, we will try to resolve your issue within 20 days, if not sooner.
  • In some cases, it might take us longer than 20 days. In these cases, we will provide an estimate and try our best to expedite it. These cases usually take prolonged durations since it involves obtaining the correct documentation or some other process that’s time consuming and involves multiple parties and numerous backs and forth to get it right.

External Complaint Process

In case you are not satisfied with our response you can lodge your grievance with SEC

To lodge a complaint visit

If something is wrong, please let us know

Alternatively, clients can choose to contact us on various options available.