Terms and Conditions

Website Terms of Service

Thank you for your interest in our service. We truly appreciate it.

us.flamebackcapital.com (Flamebackcapital.com) is part of Flameback Capital USA Inc.
Flameback Capital USA Inc is currently undergoing registration with the US SEC

Please read the following Terms and Conditions of Use (the ‘Terms’) carefully before using the Site and any other services provided by us.flamebackcapital.com (Flameback). Paragraph headings are provided for ease of reference and shall have no bearing whatsoever on the content or import of the paragraph.

About us

Systematic Investment Approach:
We look for opportunities that offer repeatable sources of return by identifying patterns and combining fundamental and quantitative strategies. Once a pattern is identified, we codify the strategy and implement it with discipline to reduce biases.

Value Proposition:
A rigorous research process ensures that investment strategies are well-tested, refined and not a result of chance before being deployed.

  • Roster of investment strategies that have a real trading record.
  • We have developed an in-house tech platform that allows us to backtest, run live simulations, automatically detect and execute trades based on our algorithms, along with built-in functions for risk and trade management.
  • Quant or systematic strategies offer better reliability than discretionary strategies as the return and risk parameters are evaluated against a benchmark. It’s especially favored by institutional investors because of ability to predict highly probable outcomes, shorter feedback loops and being more process driven.
  • Systematic strategies and tech platform significantly reduce investment cost.

Investment Risk Warning:
A rigorous research process ensures that investment strategies are well-tested, refined and not a result of chance before being deployed.

  • The value of investments can go down as well as up and, therefore, the value of your portfolio at any given point in time cannot be guaranteed.
  • Upon withdrawal or transfer of your portfolio you may not realize the sum originally invested.
  • Investments in Securities are subject to market risk and other risks and there is no assurance or guarantee that the objectives of the Trading Strategy Strategies will be achieved.
  • us.flamebackcapital.com is only the name of the website and does not in any manner indicate either the quality of the advice under the service or its prospects and returns.
  • ‘Trading Strategy’ or use of the word “Quality”, ‘Momentum”, “Rapidfire”, “Cruise”, ‘Bulls Eye’ or any other word used to brand or name a service, product or research developed by us.flamebackcapital.com or Flameback or its partner is only is only a name or work of branding and does not indicate quality or advice or its future prospects or return.
  • us.flamebackcapital.com (Flameback) is not responsible or liable for any loss or shortfall resulting from the information provided or operation of the Services.
  • Clients of any of us.flamebackcapital.com (Flameback) products or services or strategies are not being offered any guaranteed/assured returns.
  • Past performance is not indicative of future performance.
  • Recipient shall understand that the statements/presentation cannot disclose all the risks and characteristics. The recipient is requested to take into consideration all the risk.
  • Factors including their financial condition, suitability to risk return profile, and the like and take professional advice before investing. As with any investment securities/Currency Futures, the Value of the portfolio under advisory may go up or down depending on the various factors and forces affecting the capital markets.

Disclosures related to using historical simulation or back-testing data

  • Backtest results can vary significantly from actual performance or real market conditions.
  • While we take great care to ensure that our back tests are accurate, but we cannot guarantee it.
  • This backtest is for information purpose and is a first step in understanding and developing an investment strategy.Backtest results cannot be the only basis for investing.

  • The hypothetical backtested performance does not represent the results of actual trading using client assets nor decision-making during the period and does not and is not intended to indicate the past performance or future performance of any account or investment strategy implemented by us.

  • Actual implementation of a strategy might differ from a backtest due to changes in the strategy due to ongoing research and understanding of market dynamics, which might alter indicators or methods used that will alter results.
  • Simulated returns may be dependent on the market and economic conditions that existed during the period. Future market or economic conditions can adversely affect the returns.

Other Term

  • us.flamebackcapital.com (Flameback) urges you to not assume that information on all topics on the site is always complete or up-to-date. The Site is provided “As Is.”
  • us.flamebackcapital.com (Flameback) is dependent on external vendors and service providers for maintaining and communicating data and information in real time. us.flamebackcapital.com (Flameback) disclaims all responsibility for any delay or failure due to technical problems or failures under the management of external vendors and service providers.


us.flamebackcapital.com (Flameback) gives you limited personal permission to use the Site. Your permission to use the Site is limited in several ways. For example, the only reason for which you may use, download, or print material contained on this Site is for non-profit purposes. Any commercial use, such as selling content, creating course packs, or posting information on another site, is prohibited. You also may not:

  • Frame all or part of the Site.
  • Change or delete any proprietary notices from materials downloaded or printed out from the Site.
  • Systemically download or print materials from the Site.
  • Transmit or provide any data from the Site to a third party.
  • Use the Site in a manner contrary to any applicable law.
  • us.flamebackcapital.com (Flameback) is the owner or licensee of all rights in the Site, its content, software, and services. You have no right to such content, software or services if not expressly granted in the Terms. ‘us.flamebackcapital.com (Flameback)’ and the logos or other proprietary marks of us.flamebackcapital.com (Flameback). No right, title or interest in those trademarks is granted you by way of these Terms

Limitation of Warranties:
Services provided through and information contained on the site are provided as is and as available. us.flamebackcapital.com (Flameback) makes no, and hereby disclaims any, warranty of any kind, express or implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties of title, noninfringement, merchantability and fitness for a particular use or purpose. Further, us.Flamebackcapital.com (Flameback) disclaims any warranty that the site will always be available or will operate without interruption or error. us.flamebackcapital.com (Flameback) makes no warranty as to the reliability, accuracy, timeliness, usefulness, adequacy, completeness or suitability of the services or information provided through the site.

Limitation of Liabilities:
us.flamebackcapital.com (Flameback) and its employees shall not be liable for any damages you may suffer or cause through your use of the site even if advised of the possibility of such damages.
us.flamebackcapital.com (Flameback) and its employees shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, consequential, or punitive damages arising out of your use of or inability to use the site.
These limitations shall apply whether the asserted liability or damages are based in contract (including, but not limited to, breach of warranty), tort (including, but not limited to, negligence) or any other legal or equitable grounds.

Additional Disclaimers:

  1. Trading on the stock market involves a high degree of risk. You hereby agree that you alone shall bear full responsibility for the outcomes of all trading decisions that you make, including but not limited to, loss of investment. You acknowledge that none of the stock trading decisions taken by us.flamebackcapital.com (Flameback) and posted on the Site, or otherwise communicated, should be construed as an offer to buy, hold or sell securities, nor advice to do so. All comments and posts made by us.flamebackcapital.com (Flameback) are for information purposes only and under no circumstances should be used for actual trading. Under no circumstances should you make trading decisions based solely on the information contained on the Site or provided by us.flamebackcapital.com (Flameback) in any way, shape or form.
  2. us.flamebackcapital.com (Flameback) does not, in any way, guarantee or warrant that by replicating the trading patterns displayed in the Site, or otherwise communicated by us.flamebackcapital.com (Flameback), you would achieve profits. Further, the information contained on the “History” page should not be construed as an assurance, representation, warranty or guarantee on the part of us.flamebackcapital.com (Flameback) that by replicating the trading patterns displayed herein, you are likely to achieve similar profitability on your investments. You further acknowledge that any prediction made in the Site, on the direction of the stock market or on the direction of individual stocks may prove to be incorrect. PAST PERFORMANCE IS NOT INDICATIVE OF FUTURE RETURNS.
  3. You, and not us.flamebackcapital.com (Flameback), assume the entire cost and risk of any trading you choose to undertake. You are solely responsible for making your own investment decisions. If you choose to engage in such transactions with or without seeking advice from a licensed and qualified financial advisor or entity, then such decision and any consequences flowing therefrom, are your sole responsibility. The information contained in this Site, or otherwise communicated by Flamebackcapital.com (Flameback) is not meant to be endorsements or recommendations of any stock trading actions. us.flamebackcapital.com (Flameback) is in no way liable for the use of the information by you in investing or trading in securities. us.flamebackcapital.com (Flameback) does not represent itself as acting in the position of an investment advisor or investment manager for the use of the information in this service. Nothing published on this Site, or otherwise communicated by us.flamebackcapital.com (Flameback), should be considered as investment advice.
  4. You agree that any detriment or loss suffered by you, on account of your inability to obtain order-fills in the stock market (i.e. fulfilment of an order to replicate a trade as notified by us.flamebackcapital.com (Flameback)), is entirely out of the control of us.flamebackcapital.com (Flameback) and us.flamebackcapital.com (Flameback) bears no responsibility or liability for the same.
  5. You agree that us.flamebackcapital.com (Flameback) reserves the right to terminate flow of information on any of its products without having to give notice or reasons to its clients. However, should such a situation arise, us.flamebackcapital.com (Flameback) agrees to refund to the subscribers the pro-rata portion of the subscription amount received from them.

You agree to indemnify and hold us.flamebackcapital.com (Flameback) harmless for any claims, losses, or damages, including attorney’s fees, resulting from your breach of these terms or use of this Site.

Responsibility for Links:
Flameback) is not responsible for any links to or from other sites. This Site may contain links to other Sites, and other Sites may provide links to this Site. These links are provided for your convenience only. Flamebackcapital.com (Flameback) does not control these other sites and assumes no liability or responsibility for them, including any content or services provided to you by such sites. You should not consider any link to or from another site as an endorsement of that site by us.flamebackcapital.com (Flameback) unless us.flamebackcapital.com (Flameback) expressly states so.

Use of Personal Information:
You agree that, should you elect to supply it, Flameback may use your name, email address, physical address, or other data to communicate with you. You may request to have this information modified or deleted from our records. The us.flamebackcapital.com (Flameback) Site may use this information as necessary to enforce these Terms. us.flamebackcapital.com (Flameback) will not sell this information to any other party.

These Terms are severable to the extent any term is deemed invalid, illegal or unenforceable. us.Flamebackcapital.com (Flameback)’s failure to enforce any provision of these Terms shall not be deemed a waiver of that or any other provision of these Terms.

us.flamebackcapital.com (Flameback) reserves the right to modify these Terms. us.Flamebackcapital.com (Flameback) shall notify you of such changes by way of an e-mail to your e-mail id registered with us.flamebackcapital.com (Flameback).